Shepherd On the Road to Ravmed Village, Bhartang Valley, Tajikis

Four Generations of Women of Ravmed Village, Tajikistan
Four generations of women walk up valley after school has let out for the day.

Traditional Home in Ravmed Village, Bhartang Valley, Tajikistan

A Man In His Traditional Pamiri Home, Ravmed Village, GBAO, Tajk

Father and Son In Their Traditional Pamiri Home, Ravmed Village,
Tea service sits at the right of the frame as a father and son take a break from welcoming me into their home to be photographed.

Passing Time in Ravmed Village
An uncle sits with his niece and nephew outside the family's small homestay, one of a few in this tiny village that was only connected to the outside world with a road about a dozen years ago.

Volleyball Match Between Childhood Friends - 1, Ravemd Village,
I never imagined a neighborhood volleyball court like this when I was a kid.

Volleyball Match Between Childhood Friends - 2, Ravemd Village,
More volleyball action!

Volleyball Match Between Childhood Friends - 3, Ravemd Village,

Friends On and Off the Volleyball Court, Ravemd Village, GBAO, T
The love between friends and family in Ravmed Village is palpalbe and you can just about feel it through the photograph.

Friends in Ravemd Pose in Front of a Traditional Pamiri Home in

Evening Descends On The Village of Ravmed, Gorno-Badakhshan Auto

Dancing at a Traditional Pamiri Wedding in Ravmed Village - 3, P
Some dance alone as well.

The Groom and His Men, Traditional Pamiri Wedding, Ravmed Villag

Crowded Inside a Traditional House for a Pamiri Wedding in Ravme
Men, women and children all crowd into the Pamiri house to celebrate the wedding in the central portion of the home beneath the chorkhona and rauzan above.

Dancer, Traditional Pamiri Wedding in Ravmed, Bhartang Valley, T
Dancing is a central part of Pamiri weddings. The traditional architecture of the Pamiri home can be seen above the man.

Women Peering Down Through the Roetz and Into the Pamiri House t
Some spectators choose to watch the celebration from above.

Dancing at a Traditional Pamiri Wedding in Ravmed Village - 1, P
People call on one another to dance in the center of the home during the festivities. Men dance with women and men and vice versa. Everyone dance together in celebration of the bride and groom and all visitors who happen upon the wedding are welcome-- including me.

Dancing at a Traditional Pamiri Wedding in Ravmed Village - 2, P

Vafobak, 'The King of Friendship,' Ravmed Village, GBAO, Tajikis
My principal guide to Ravmed Village and the Ismaili Culture of the Pamirs is none other than 'the King of Friendship,' the literal translation of Vafobak's name. I learn many things from my new friend during my time here.

A Boy and HIs Donkey

Squatting Smiling Man, Ravmed

The Home of Vafobak and His Family
My new friend and guide Vafobak stands proudly in front of his family's home, constructed of mud, stone and straw.

Mother of Vafobak, Ravmed

Mother of Vafobak Inside Her Traditional Pamiri Home in Ravmed V
Standing amidst the housewares of her home and kitchen, a woman offers an intimate glimpse into the life of a villager in Ravmed.

Traditional Pamiri Home and Architecture With Young Girl
A young girl sits in her family's home at 3,000 meters elevation in Ravmed Village, GBAO, Tajikistan.

A Man and His Calf, Ravmed Village, Pamirs, Tajikistan
Vafobak pats his calf affectionately as the shadows grow long and the day move towards evening.

Man with Pamiri Rubab, Ravmed Village, Tajikistan
A man plays a traditional Pamiri rubab one evening at a homestay in the village.

Smiling Children of the Pamirs, Ravmed, Tajikistan

A Brother and Sister Share A Laugh In Front of Their Family's Ho

The Bigger the Smile, The Bumpier the Ride-- En Route to Ravmed
Veterinarian Rajabali Muffazar hails from Tajikistan's capital city of Dushanbe. He is on his way up to Ravmed village to carry on research with friend and fellow veterinarian Sulaimon Nazrullozoda as part of a nationwide project that will help residents get a better understanding of what diseases their animals are susceptible to and how to treat them.

Children of Ravmed Village, GBAO Tajikistan

School children and Teachers In Front of the Schoolhouse, Ravmed

School teacher On the Way Home From School, Ravmed Village, GBAO

A Woman In Her Traditional Pamiri Home, Ravmed Village, GBAO, Ta

A Woman In Her Family's Traditional Pamiri Home, Ravmed Village,

Traditional Pamiri Home and Architecture With Dinner Set Out For

A Woman Carries Water From the Spring to Her Traditional Pamiri

All In A Day's Work- A Traveling Veterinarain in Tajikistan
Veterinarian Sulaimon Nazrullozoda organizes paperwork at a small homestay in Ravmed Village, high in the Pamirs of Tajikistan. Nazrullozoda is traveling around the country conducting research with friend and fellow veterinarian Rajabali Muffazar as part of a nationwide project that will help residents get a better understanding of what diseases their animals are susceptible to and how to treat them.

Young Girl In Pamiri Home, Ravmed Village, Bhartang Valley, Taji

Young Boy In Pamiri Home, Ravmed Village, Bhartang Valley, Tajik

Two Men On A Mission, GBAO, Bhartang Valley, Tajikistan
Veterinarians Sulaimon Nazrullozoda and Rajabali Muffazar stand outside the 4x4 that carries us down the mountain from Ravmed Village and back to the primary Bhartang Valley road which they will take westward and towards their faraway home of Dushanbe, some 20 or so hours drive away.

Truck Drivers on the Pamir Highway South of the Bhartang Valley